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Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Sürpriz set Almanya'nın ihraç
Mood:  a-ok

Won't last a day without you Movie

Avrupa ve küresel ekonomik yavaÅŸlama devam eden borç krizine raÄŸmen, Alman ihracat bir sürpriz olarak Eylül ayında artmıştır. Ihracat deÄŸeri olarak Wiesbaden Federal Ä°statistik Bürosu tarafından bildirilen, takvim ve mevsimsellikten arındırılmış yüzde 0,9 oranında güçlü kıyasla artmıştır.

Ihracatın güçlü yüzde 3,2 oranında AÄŸustos ayında artmış sonra Analistler, beklenen yüzde 1,0 ile mevsimsel ve takvim arındırılmış düÅŸüÅŸ vardı.Å̀irket, yurt dışında € deÄŸerinde 95 milyar mal satılan - bir önceki yıla göre yüzde 10,5 daha fazla. . "SaÄŸlam bir üçüncü çeyrek için umut yapar, dış ticaret olumlu bir ivme var," Thomas iyi bir büyüme için iyi bir ÅŸans üçüncü çeyreÄŸinde görünüyor WestLB tarafından HSBC Trinkaus ve Jörg Lüschow ve tadil ÅŸunları söyledi: "dış ticaret, ekonomi krank olmalıdır. "

Ä°thalat miktar azalma

Almanya ithalat bir önceki aya göre yüzde 0,8 oranında düÅŸtü. Analistler, beklenen yüzde 0,3 oranında bir artış bildirmiÅŸti. 77600000000 € deÄŸerinde toplam mal tanıtıldı - bir önceki yıla göre yüzde 11,6 daha fazla.

SipariÅŸler bir mola 

Geç 2011 ve erken 2012 yılında ise bakış açısıyla Volkskwirt Lüschow göre, daha az cesaret verici görünüyor "Yurt dışından talep Burada zayıf, ÅŸirketlerin borç çevrelerin etkilerini hissediyor .."

Sayıları Eylül ayında ihracat ortaya çıktı ise, iyi, o emir bakar için ÅŸimdiden daha zor: Onlar için yüzde 4,3 Eylül ayında Euro bölgesi ülkelerin zayıf talep kırdı - kadar neredeyse üç yıl oldu daha Euro bölgesi ülkelerinden gelen sipariÅŸler bu çok güçlü 12.1 oranında artmıştır. Alman ihracatının yaklaşık yüzde 40'ı parasal birliÄŸe sonunda.

Bununla birlikte, bir milyar euro iÅŸareti aÅŸarak ilk kez sanayi dernek ve BGA Alman Sanayi ve Ticaret (DIHK), ihracat cirosu bu yıl bekliyoruz.Ocak-Eylül, etrafında € 792.000.000.000 çıkmıştır. Bu geçen yılın aynı dönemine göre yüzde 13,5 daha fazladır.

Posted by worldwideapi at 2:34 PM EST
Berlusconi's descent on rates
Mood:  rushed
There is a decline in rates, the prime minister of Italy are currently experiencing. Although he lived so just a vote in Parliament, but the absolute majority is gone. The calls for a withdrawal of the opposition are getting louder. Berlusconi said after the vote, an emergency meeting.

mmediately prior to the meeting in the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, a perfect storm raged. Doom and gloom, and before the Italian Parliament, Gianfranco Fini as parliamentary speaker announced the outcome of the vote. With 308 votes in favor of Berlusconi's government won the vote on the budget for 2010, but lost the majority in parliament. For 321 MPs have denied the vote - more than the absolute majority.

Pierferdinando Casini, leader of the opposition Centre Party, said: "The center makes his presence in the Chamber to adopt the financial statements after this vote, I hope to finally stop this unhealthy tug of war that is fought on the backs of the country.."

Berlusconi calls for his resignation on

Immediately after the vote, urged the chairman of the Democratic Party, Pierluigi Bersani, the immediate resignation of Berlusconi: "This government has a credibility problem No one believes anymore that this government is able to cope with the situation today we have confirmation of.. This credibility deficit retained. It is evident in the outcome of this vote. "

Berlusconi himself announced for this case to want to think about his political future. "We quickly decide what to do," he allegedly said immediately after the vote. Party members, as the spokesman of Berlusconi Group, Giancarlo Mazzuca, force him to retreat. "If the result is now that we have no specific majority requirement, it must meet Berlusconi's decisions to benefit the country, he should step aside. Now it's about the survival of the country. It is the unpleasant decisions to be taken now, just make a broad consensus. "

Berlusconi should "step aside" only

No Berlusconi's resignation, but a step to the side. That is, the language rules in the government camp, facilitate Berlusconi resigned and allow a fresh start under new management. In an interview as the new Prime Minister of the former Justice Minister Angelino Alfano, is 41 years old, a close associate of Berlusconi - and therefore hardly a majority in the Italian Parliament. The opposition favors has a transitional government headed by an independent politician. Former EU Commissioner Mario Monti for it seems the most likely candidate.

"Whoever takes over the government, as usual can not continue," says the president of the employers' association Confindustria, Emma Marcegaglia, and recalls the enormous risk premiums that Italy must pay for its government bonds. "That may mean for the horrendous state budget overspending in the amount of € 8.7 billion more a year. Under these conditions the country is not."

Decision on elections is Napolitano

Now Berlusconi is once on the train. He is well on immediate elections. But the decision is about the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano.

Posted by worldwideapi at 2:07 PM EST
Sunday, 30 October 2011
No amount that it "forgets in the cookie jar"
The billion-dollar miscalculation in the nationalized Hypo Real Estate (HRE) has a bad bank and its aftermath: Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble ordered according to "mirror" managers of both banks to report one. In addition, the bank managers to the Bundestag finance committee and answer questions.

The FMS is the bad bank of HRE - and state-owned. Be charged there, the impact to the state budget.
On Friday it was revealed that the bathroom had FMS bank reported value of its debt management by 55.5 billion euros too high. To the accounting error was apparently because the FMS value management gains in the papers that had been outsourced to the bank, had posted a loss. Because of the accounting error Germany's national debt falls by 2.6 percentage points to 81.1 percent of annual economic output.

According to "mirror" should now appear first to report to a board of HRE in the Treasury and later a director of the FMS value management. Schäuble wants to know both how it came about the balance sheet errors.

SPD: Ministry of Finance for oversight

The SPD accused the Federal Treasury in connection prior to the calculation errors of negligence. The bad bank, state bank of HRE as lying within the jurisdiction of Schaeuble said the SPD parliamentary manager Thomas Oppermann. Schäuble was "responsible for ensuring that the bank is properly managed and supervised," this is obviously not happened. The Minister must explain quickly, "why he has miscalculated by 55.5 billion euros," Oppermann asked. "This is not a contribution that hides the Swabian housewife in a cookie jar and forget."

Even the Left Group Vice Ulrich Maurer, called Schaeuble must "promptly provide clarity." "Imagine only that the bank could not be accounted for 55.5 billion debt too much but too little," admitted Mason points out. "How does one do not trust, but increased the chaos."

Accusation against "Politklamauk"

The Finance CSU politician Hans Michelbach dismissed the criticism of the SPD to back Schaeuble as "the latest example of the continued Politklamauks the social democrats." It is the "natural duty" of a bank-top to provide accurate figures, the chairman of the Union Group said the finance committee. The attempt to shift the responsibility Schäuble was "more than just frivolous."

Simultaneously emphasizing Michelbach, he expected the leadership of the bank in the Bundestag Finance Committee a "full investigation of this incredible mistake." "In-place, the necessary conclusions are drawn. This includes an explicit personal consequences."

Rescue by the State

In October 2010, slipped deep into the red zone HRE had outsourced as part of a restructuring plan rotten securities and unnecessary divisions in the state FMS value management. HRE had been nationalized during the financial crisis of 2009 to prevent a collapse of the banking system. With a total of around 175 billion euros in guarantees, capital injections and other assistance payments at the time she was saved from extinction.

Posted by worldwideapi at 2:46 PM EDT
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Mais uma vez encontrados bombas incendiárias sobre vias férreas
Mood:  on fire
Estão em linhas férreas em dispositivos Berlin novamente incendiárias foram descobertos. Trabalhadores ferroviários estavam em rota de inspeções no distrito Staaken no oeste da cidade e da zona de Schöneberg, no sul da manhã vários dispositivos incendiários, um porta-voz da polícia confirmou. O tráfego ferroviário nas rotas em causa foram suspensas. 

Uma das bombas incendiárias tinham sido queimados. "Não é ainda conhecido quando este foi queimado", disse o porta-voz. O Estado de Polícia Criminal assumiu a primeira investigação. Nesse ínterim, ligou o Procurador Geral da República. A Polícia Federal Criminal é cobrado com a investigação mais aprofundada, disse um porta-voz da Procuradoria Geral.Havia uma suspeita de "sabotagem anti-constitucional e outros crimes." 

Caminhos de Ferro alemão ofereceu uma recompensa de 100.000 € para obter informações sobre os autores. Acontecendo concessão e distribuição de recompensas de acordo com a importância das provas decidiu disse a empresa. Excluem-se os funcionários públicos que estão profissionalmente obrigado a reprimir as actividades criminosas. 

Até agora, um assumiu a responsabilidade pelos ataques 

Na segunda-feira, o desconhecido tinha na rota Berlim-Hamburgo, perto da estação ferroviária Finkenkrug Havelland uma bandeja de cabos incendiados e destruídos por cabos de sinal. Para o ataque, um agrupamento de esquerda conhecido. Em uma carta publicada na internet reivindicando a responsabilidade, disse, vai protestar contra o ataque sobre a implantação da Bundeswehr no Afeganistão. 

Além disso, na segunda-feira nas proximidades da estação ferroviária principal de Berlim, um incêndio set descoberto num edifício transformador, mas não acendeu. Na terça-feira, trabalhadores ferroviários encontradas no site web, em Berlim-Treptow incendiárias e alertou a polícia. A polícia acredita que todos foram depositados simultaneamente e ser descoberto pouco a pouco desde então. 

Atrasos no tráfego ferroviário 

Os serviços de trem entre Berlim e Hamburgo-Berlim-Hannover, bem como numerosas linhas ferroviárias regionais na capital foram severamente comprometidas como resultado das descobertas. Ele também veio hoje a cancelamentos e atrasos. A polícia não descarta que existam outras incendiárias desconhecidas.

Posted by worldwideapi at 1:30 PM EDT

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